Pricing your Home
If you start out with too high a price on your home, you may have just added to your stress level, and selling a home is stressful enough. There will be a lot of "behind the scenes" action taking place that you don’t know about.
At North Shore Luxury Homes, when we are hired to sell your home besides trying to sell it ourselves, we market and promote your home to the approximately 24,000 other local agents who are working with homebuyers. By promoting your home this way, we dramatically increasing your personal sales force. During the first couple of weeks your home should be a flurry of activity with agents coming to preview your home so they can sell it to their clients.
If the price is right.
If you have overpriced your home, fewer agents will preview your home. After all, they are Realtors, and it is their job to know local market conditions and home values. If your house is dramatically above market, why waste time? Their time is better spent previewing homes that are priced realistically.
If you over price your home with the thought that “you can always come down,” when you drop your price, your house is "old news." You will never be able to recapture that flurry of initial activity you would have had with a realistic price. Your house could take longer to sell.
Even if you do successfully sell at an above market price, your buyer will need a mortgage. The mortgage lender requires an appraisal. If comparable sales for the last six months and current market conditions do not support your sales price, the house won’t appraise. Your deal can fall apart. Of course, you can always attempt to renegotiate the price, but only if the buyer is willing to listen. Your house could go "back on the market."
Showing the House to Potential Home Buyers
Your house should always be available for show, even though it may occasionally be inconvenient for you. If a broker is unable to show your home at the desired time, they will just skip your home to show the house of someone else who is more cooperative.
Most agents will call and give you at least a couple of hours notice before showing your property. If you refuse to let them show it at that time, they will just skip your house. Even if they come back another time, it will probably be with different buyers and you may have just lost a chance to sell your home.
Let the Agent Show The home
Homebuyers will feel like intruders if you are home when they visit, and they might not be as receptive toward viewing your home. Try to remain in an out of the way area of the house and do not move from room to room. Do not volunteer any information, but answer any questions the agent may ask.